Breaking the Habit


"We are creatures of habit"

 Always trying to be heard, but never take the time to slow down and listen. Establishing an online presence rather than living in the present, thinking likes will give us validation that we are good enough. Our culture has morphed us into thinking the only way we can be happy is based on the approval of others, some we have never even met.  

The ugly truth of the matter is that the norms we follow which culture says are the only way to live were created by humans no smarter than us. They are unwritten rules, never commanded, never put in stone. You have to go to college so you can get a good-paying job, even if it's something you’re not passionate about or interested in. If it pays well, go after it, even if it makes you miserable. Don’t chase after what you really love, that’s not viable, stick to something realistic.

When we step out of our comfort zone and pursue something no one else is chasing is when we're met with the criticism and the eye rolls of others. That's not practical, that won't pay the bills, what kind of paycheck will that give you?

“That’s just life.” 

 We care so much about the approval of others and the appearance we put out to the world that we miss living for what makes us happy. It feels like we live for others, not for ourselves. We need to snap out of what’s constantly engraved into our minds. It feels like we’re going through this process, and we don’t even realize we’re doing it. 

"If you're doing what everyone else is doing, you're doing it wrong."- Casey Neistat

It’s when we slow down and look around that we find ourselves. It’s when we’re broken down that we discover who we really are, without the approval of others. When we all realize the habit we are stuck in, our eyes open to what is around us. 

Break the habit. 


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